Where am I right now?

My Location now to find your current location and show where am I right now and your address on map coordinates. The tool will lookup your latitude and longitude in different format that you can use it on any gps devices or share your current location with friends and families.

Your IP is:
iOS 13.2
Safari Mobile 13
City : Hong Kong
Region :
Country :
Latitude : 22.28552
Longitude : 114.15769

My Current Location

The what is my location tool uses geolocation to find your location. In order to do that, the tool needs access to your location. When the browser prompts you to give where am I website to access to your location, please select yes or allow access.

If you select no, then where am I now tool will not be able to find your location. You can share your current location with other people through text messages or other types of communication. The where am I app works everywhere in the US and around the world.

OS Information
Name : iOS
Family : macintosh
Version : 13.2
Type : mobile
Bit : 64
Browser Information
Name : Safari Mobile
Version : 13
Cookie : N/A
User Agent : Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 13_2_3 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/13.0.3 Mobile/15E148 Safari/604.1
Screen Information
Screen Height : N/A
Screen Width : N/A
Screen Resolution : N/A
Screen Pixel Depth : N/A
Screen Color Depth : N/A

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the where am I tool work?

The tool uses the geolocation feature provided by your browser. The geolocation has your current location in GPS coordinates format. Upon visiting the site, the browser will prompt for your permission to access the geolocation information. You will have to allow the tool to access your location in order for it to work.

Do you store my location?

No, we do not store your location. Once you leave the site, the location is lost permanently. No, we do not store your location. Once you leave the site, the location is lost permanently.

Does it work on a mobile phone?

Yes, the where am I tool works on any mobile device and computer as long as you have the location feature enabled on your phone. Yes, the where am I tool works on any mobile device and computer as long as you have the location feature enabled on your phone.